
2025 Spring Conference

The 2025 Spring Conference will be held April 1st through April 4th at the Samoset Resort in Rockport, ME. To register for the conference and meals you may do so online by visiting this link or by downloading the PDF form here. Booking your LTCs courses and your room at the Samoset can be down below.

Make Reservations Online or by Phone before March 4th

  • For Online Reservations, Click on the Reservation Booking Link:
    MIAAA 2025
  • By Phone: 1-800-341-1650 or 207-594-2511, please identify that you are with
    MIAAA – Maine Interscholastic Athletic Administrator Group
  • Reservation Deadline: Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Reservations made after March 4th will be based upon availability and subject to the prevailing resort room rate. Group rate may not be available.

  • A credit card number is required to hold your reservation. A full payment will be taken
    7 days prior to arrival.
  • If business checks are a preferred method of payment, a credit card will still be required
    to secure the reservation at the time of booking. Please send your check directly to the
    hotel after making your reservation (No personal checks).
  • Purchase Orders are Not accepted.
  • A secure online credit card authorization link can be provided in lieu of presenting a
    credit card at check-in, or if you need to pay for multiple reservations. Call 1-800-341-1650 or 207-594-2511 to request.
  • Cancellations can be made up to 7-days prior.

Please note the Resort and All Guest Rooms are Non-Smoking

Check-in Time: 4PM
Check-out Time: 11AM


The flagship course of Leadership Training serves as an overview for interscholastic athletic administration.  This course introduces the philosophy of educational athletics, the focuses on the roles of the NIAAA, the NFHS, the State Athletic/Activity Associations, and the State Athletic Administrator’s Associations.  The course also previews the NIAAA Leadership Training and Certification Programs.  It is a prerequisite for all four levels of certification and includes study materials for the CAA exam.   This course is required for LTI instructors and all certifications.
LTC 501 Instructors: Joe Schwartzman – CMAA (Kennebunk HS), Josh Frost – CAA (Ellsworth HS), Kelsy Ross (North Yarmouth Academy), Rick Sinclair – CAA (Hermon HS)

This course provides in-depth coverage of the legal standards governing hazing in interscholastic athletics programs and strategies for developing, implementing, and documenting an effective anti-hazing policy. There is also extensive coverage of the constitutional rights of student-athletes that must be respected by schools when sanctioning athletes for misconduct, the impact of federal disabilities legislation on school sports programs, and the employment and labor law issues related to the administration of interscholastic athletics programs, in particular the minimum wage and overtime requirements of the federal Fair Labor Standards Act. Required for: CMAA Certification.
LTC 508 Instructors: Gary Stevens – CMAA (MIAAA Assistant Executive Director), Chris Spaulding – CMAA (Lisbon HS)

Mental illness has been described as one of the greatest silent epidemics in our country. Student-athletes can be vulnerable to a number of mental illnesses due to the pressures they face while balancing their athletic and academic obligations and still maintaining a balance in their daily lives. This course is designed to remove the stigma of mental illness and assist athletic administrators in understanding the causes and how their student-athletes could be affected. The objective for the course is to raise awareness of this social issue and explain to athletic administrators how to educate their coaches and team captains in order to provide support for all of their student-athletes.

LTC 628 Instructors: Susan Robbins – CMAA (Belfast Area HS), Evan Graves – CAA (Caribou HS), Ryan LaRoche – CAA (Leavitt Area HS)

This course will provide an overview of how to mitigate/prevent, prepare for, and manage emergencies during interscholastic athletic events. The highlights include venue and event safety, security and emergency management issues. The course will provide guidelines for creating an emergency team, assessing the venue for risks and needs, developing and implementing emergency management plans, and debriefing after an incident.   
LTC 631 Instructors: Mark White – CMAA (Presque Isle HS), Jordan Ferreira – CAA (Scarborough HS), Chris Spaulding – CMAA (Lisbon HS)

This course provides the necessary strategies, methods, and resources to develop and implement middle school athletic programs and concentrates on the role of the middle school coach and coaching principles. Middle school athletics is an essential part of the total educational process, and the coach is a critical component in a developmentally sound and educationally compatible program. Required for: RMSAA.   
LTC 701 Instructors: Todd Sampson – CMAA (Edward Little HS), David Utterback – CMAA (Brewer HS)

This course will focus on certain challenging human behaviors that cause discomfort and anxiety in our daily lives. It examines theories and causes with strategies for preventing, managing and transforming these challenging behaviors. In addition, techniques will be covered in response to anger, sarcasm, denigration, complainers and backbiters and obstinate-rigid people. Additional strategies for interaction with parents who demand involvement in athletic department decision-making will also be presented.
LTC 714 Instructors: Rich Buzzell – CMAA (Marshwood HS), Don King – CAA (Poland Regional HS), Craig Sickels – CAA (Retired, Freeport HS)

Register for LTCs

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