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2012 Fall Conf. Roundtable

2012 Maine Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association Fall Conference

Roundtable Discussion Questions
1. What are some strategies that you use in your school to promote the educational value in interscholastic athletics?
– Promoting student successes through communications and the media
– Using promotion/data during budget arguments
– Relate academics to athletics at the board level
– Team GPA competitions – plaque
– Try to promote athletics as one part of the total educational experience
– Have our coaches be aware of their part in the process
– School work vs. practice or games
– Captain’s council
– Leadership
– Service projects and fundraisers
– Mission statement/philosophy
– All-Academic recognition
– Academic contract
– Code of Conduct
– Public address announcements
– Publish all-academic award winners
– Parent/coaches meetings
– Sideline promotion
– Additional requirements with probationary, incentives

2. The year 2012 marks the fortieth anniversary of the passage of Title IX legislation. What are some steps that your school or district taken to ensure that your athletic programs are in compliance with the components of Title IX? Do you feel comfortable with your knowledge in discussing the elements of compliance for Title IX?
– Uniform rotations
– Self-study
– Balance money for each gender
– Common booster club
– Budget – when buying boys and girls uniforms at the same time (five-year rotation)
– Capital projects: priority list the boys and girls needs at the same time
– If there are lack of funds, complete projects for girls first
– Struggle when the recreation department runs fields
– Goodall Park or Hadlock Fields vs. softball
– Self-study
– Booster groups
– Keep a spreadsheet
– Utilize MPA survey

3. Sports specialization continues to be a major concern on a national basis. Is sports specialization a concern in your program and community? What steps have you taken to encourage students to participate in your school-based athletic program?
– Bona fide waiver
– Good and bad – support from Maine Principals’ Association vs. making a choice
– Private coaches do a better job of selling their product
– Private groups miss the educational mission

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